Saturday 6 August 2016

Moving out...

A lot of things have been happening since we got back from Africa from getting baptized, getting my first car and starting writing again. But one very exciting thing that is happening for us both is that we are finally moving out of my mum's house after three years of being there!

It has been wonderful living with my mum these past three years and has given us a great start for our married life. I know many would possibly think that it must have been a nightmare living with the parents for the first three years of our marriage but actually it became a very positive thing for us both. Back in 2013 neither of us were in a great place financially, emotionally or physically. We were still in a transitioning stage in our lives. At that time we needed a support network around us and that is exactly what was provided for us.

Now we have so many things to look forward to! We will be moving into our house this time next month and it could not be more well timed. We will get to spend our birthdays, Christmas and our fourth wedding anniversary together in our own place! We also move in just before I start my second year at University in October. I just feel so blessed for this opportunity and I know it is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives!

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